【摩登家庭】 “一学习我就提不起劲儿来……”

【摩登家庭】 “一学习我就提不起劲儿来……”

2018-09-15    04'23''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2971 28

【句子】Actually, honey, you did kinda shoot your mouth off. 【Modern Family-S1E10】 【发音】['æktʃʊəli] ['hʌni] [ju:] [dɪd] [ˈkaɪndə] [ʃu:t] [jɔ:(r)] [maʊθ] [ɒf] 【发音技巧】停顿;shoot your当中[t]+[j]有同化现象,有点像[tʃ]; 【翻译】实际上,亲爱的,是你有点信口开河了。 【适用场合】① shoot one’s mouth off (口语)大家只要联想一下植物大战僵尸里面的豌豆射手就明白什么意思了。把一个人的嘴巴比作一挺上了子弹的机关枪。 shoot your mouth off (about sth) To speak indiscreetly. 说话不谨慎; To brag; boast. 吹嘘,吹牛; eg: If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time, I won't tell you anything in the future. 要是你下次再这么胡说八道,以后我什么也不跟你说了。 ② Let’s not all get worked up! 我们不要越说越起劲了! work sb./yourself up (into sth) 来劲;to make sb./yourself reach a state of great excitement, anger, etc: 之前在公众号里Friends的学习中讲过一个句子: You know how he latches on. 动词短语latch on 也有这个含义哦。 eg: Don't work yourself up/get worked up about something so trivial ['trɪvɪəl]. 不要为这点小事大动肝火。 eg: I just can't get worked up about dancing. 我对跳舞就是提不起劲儿来。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章末尾】 He always shoots his mouth off and says things he later regrets.