【绝望的主妇】 “我家孩子没有多动症!就这样!”

【绝望的主妇】 “我家孩子没有多动症!就这样!”

2018-11-16    05'47''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

4827 29

【句子】-- I hesitate bringing this up, since you got so ugly about it last time... -- They don’t have attention deficit disorder, and I’m not going to drug my boys just to make your job easier. 【Desperate Housewives S1E4】 【发音】[aɪ] ['hezɪteɪt] [brɪŋɪŋ] [ðɪs] [ʌp] [sɪns] [ju:] [gɒt] [səʊ] ['ʌgli] [ə'baʊt] [ɪt] [lɑ:st]/[læst] [taɪm] [ðeɪ] [dəʊnt] [hæv] [ə'tenʃn] ['defɪsɪt] [dɪs'ɔ:də(r)] [ænd] [aɪm] [nɒt] ['gəʊɪŋ] [tʊ] [drʌg] [maɪ] [bɔɪz] [dʒʌst] [tʊ] [meɪk] [jɔ:(r)] [dʒɒb] ['i:zɪə(r)] 【发音技巧】bringing this up连读;about it连读;last 英美读音;last time失去爆破;not强调;just to失去爆破; 【翻译】-- 我本来不想说的,因为你上次谈到这事儿表现得很不开心的样子。 -- 他们没有多动症,我不会为了减轻你的工作负担而让我的孩子们吃药。 【适用场合】 get/turn ugly 并不是字面上的“变丑” 而指的是,become unpleasant and threatening or violent eg: The demonstration turned ugly when a group of protesters started to throw bottles at the police. 当有一群示威者向警察扔瓶子的时候,示威活动变得有些失控了。 ADD注意力缺乏症 多动症 Attention Deficit Disorder They’re much calmer when they’re not bouncing off one another. 他们不待在一起就会安分很多。 bounce off: 凑在一起讨论[baʊns] If you bounce something off someone, you tell someone about an idea or plan in order to find out what they think of it 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Can I bounce a couple of ideas off you?