

2022-10-17    06'26''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

361 2

【句子】So, um...I take it you took the rat outside? 【Desperate Housewives S02E02】 【发音】/səʊ/ /əm/ /aɪ/ /teɪk/ /ɪt/ /juː/ /tʊk/ /ðə/ /ræt/ /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ 【发音技巧】take it连读;took the不完全爆破;rat outside连读+闪音+不完全爆破; 【翻译】所以,呃……你把那只老鼠赶到外面去了吗? 【适用场合】 今天节目中,我们讲一下这个短语,叫做I take it...,这里的take其实就相当于guess,think这样的意思; 我们看看对应的英文解释: I imagine this is the case; I presume it to be true (that); it is my understanding (that)... 或者可以直接理解成:I suppose.../I assume... eg: I take it you’re not going. 我猜,你不去了。 eg: I take it you won’t be coming to the party? 我猜你应该不来参加派对了? eg: I take it you've heard about Ben and Carol splitting up. 我猜,本和卡罗闹掰(离婚)的事情,你也听说了。 eg: So I take it that you're looking for a new job now that the company has declared bankruptcy? 既然你们公司已经宣布破产了,我猜你在找新工作了? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Your mother will be moving in with us once her house is sold, I take it?