Boxcar Children (2) A

Boxcar Children (2) A

2015-06-20    04'43''

主播: Monica(桃花岛主)

51 0

Soon the children left the town and came to a road. The big yellow moon was out, and they could see the road very well. "We must walk fast," said Henry. "I hope the baker and his wife don't wake up and find us gone." They walked down the road as fast as they could. "How far can you carry Benny?" asked Violet. "Oh, I can carry him a long way," replied Henry. But Jessie said, "I think we could go faster if we woke him up now. We could take his hands and help him along." Henry stopped and put Benny down. "Come, Benny," he said. "You must wake up and walk now." "Go away!" said Benny. "Let me try," said Violet. "Now, Benny, you can play that you are a little brown bear and are running away to find a nice warm bed. Henry and Jessie will help you, and we'll find a bed." Benny liked being a little brown bear, and so he woke up and opened his eyes. Henry and Jessie took his hands, and they all went on again. They passed some farmhouses, but the houses were dark and quiet. The children did not see anyone. They walked and walked for a long time. Then the red sun began to come up. "We must find a place to sleep," said Jessie. "I am so tired." Little Benny was asleep, and Henry was carrying him again. The other children began to look for a place. II-Night Is Turned into Day At last Violet said, "Look over there." she was pointing at a big haystack in a field near a farmhouse. "A fine place, Violet," said Henry. "See what a big haystack it is!" They ran across the field toward the farmhouse. They jumped over a brook, and then they came to the haystack. Henry was still carrying Benny. Jessie began to make a nest in the haystack for Benny, and when they put him into it, he went to sleep again at once. The other children also made nests. "Good night!" said Henry, laughing. "It is 'Good morning,' I should think," replied Jessie. "We sleep in the day, and we walk all night. When it is night again, we'll wake up and walk some more."
上一期: Boxcar Children (1)
下一期: Boxcar Children (2) B