Boxcar Children (2) C

Boxcar Children (2) C

2015-06-20    05'11''

主播: Monica(桃花岛主)

29 0

The children were very happy as they walked along the road. They knew that the baker would not find them. They walked until two o'clock in the morning, and then they came to some signs by the side of the road. The moon came out from behind the clouds, and Henry could read the signs. "One sign says that Greenfield is this way," he said. "The other sign points to Silver City. We don't want to go to Greenfield. Let's take this other road to Silver City." They walked for a long time, but they did not see anyone. "Not many people come this way, I guess," said Henry. "But that is all the better." "Listen!" said Benny suddenly. "I hear something." "Listen!" said Violet. The children stood still and listened, and they could hear water running. "I want a drink of water, Henry!" said Benny. "Well, let's go on," said Henry, "and see where the water is. I'd like a drink, too." Soon the children saw a drinking fountain by the side of the road. "Oh, what a fine fountain this is!" said Henry, running toward it. "See the place for people to drink up high, and a place in the middle for horses, and one for dogs down below." All the children drank some cold water. "Now I want to go to bed," said Benny. Jessie laughed. "You can go to bed very soon. " Henry was looking down a little side road, which had grass growing in the middle of it. "Come!" he cried. "This road goes into the woods. We can sleep in the woods." "This is a good place," said Jessie, as they walked along. "It is far away from people. You can tell that by the grass in the road." "And it will be near the drinking fountain," said Violet. "That's right!" cried Henry. "You think of everything, Violet." "It is almost morning," remarked Jessie. "And how hot it is!" "I'm glad it is hot," said Henry, "for we must sleep on the ground. Let's find some pine needles for beds." The children went into the woods and soon made four beds of pine needles. "I hope it's not going to rain," said Jessie, as she lay down. Then she looked up at the sky. "It looks like rain, for the moon has gone behind the clouds." She shut her eyes and did not open them again for a long time. More clouds rolled across the sky, and the wind began to blow. There was lightning, also, and thunder, but the children did not hear it. They were all fast asleep.
上一期: Boxcar Children (2) B
下一期: Boxcar(3)A