2016年10月期 第08集(10.08)今日话题:work in a small company

2016年10月期 第08集(10.08)今日话题:work in a small company

2016-10-08    32'27''

主播: 多叔雅思口语

58 13

20161008Morning Voice Fighting! [MV第589天]《work in a small company》 晨读内容: 1.MV早读团誓言: I have a dream that one day I can speak amazing British Accent! I have a dream that one day I can speak fluent and beautiful English! I promise If I give up ,you can call me loser! 2.今日语音 Working within a smaller company means that your good work is likely to get noticed 3.今日话题 With a varied workload and opportunities to work within different areas of the organisation, working for small companies will certainly keep your job interesting. Rather than get complacent doing the same thing over and over again, you’ll have more chance to change it up and get the most from your position. Working within a smaller company means that your good work is likely to get noticed. And given that you will have a more varied workload, you will have ample opportunity to prove your worth and have your potential realised. A smaller organisation also means you could potentially be working beside more senior members of staff and get your ideas listened to. This is opposed to larger organisations that will often have many more voices shouting to be heard. keep your job interesting 【欲望词搭】使工作有趣 get complacent 【探索词搭-心灵】自鸣得意 get the most from your position 【探索词搭-头脑】从职位上获得更多 get your ideas listened to 【探索词搭-耳朵】有人听你的想法 4.今日真题 Why are the benefits of working in a small company? 舌尖上的雅思,雅思口语第一品牌。 “多叔MV非起不可早读团"!每天早上7:30-8:00,【YY语音】100380频道收看雅思口语宗师全球公益晨读直播!传授纯正的英式语音语调,断句,和地道的习语表达! 多叔带领MV早读团公益晨读传授给大家纯正的英式语音语调,断句,和地道的习语表达!这里是MV大家庭,是爱的家庭,是属于大家的奋斗港湾 逻辑口语,中国唯一在全球推广发行的口语体系!系统学习,请关注: 1.【QQ群】:MV雅思口语高分团3群 538403252 2.【新浪微博】@雅思钱多多 3.【公共微信】:ddielts