2016年10月期 第24集(10.31)今日话题:wedding

2016年10月期 第24集(10.31)今日话题:wedding

2016-11-17    17'50''

主播: 多叔雅思口语

101 7

20161031Morning Voice Fighting! [MV第612天]《wedding》 晨读内容: 1.MV早读团誓言: I have a dream that one day I can speak amazing British Accent! I have a dream that one day I can speak fluent and beautiful English! I promise If I give up ,you can call me loser! 2.今日语音 For my sister,it was the biggest and most important day of her life 3.今日话题 I’m going to describe my sister’s wedding day ,which took place a few years ago in the town where I grew up .For my sister it was the biggest and most important day of her life . I think there were around 100 people at the marriage ceremony ,which was held in a church . Even more people came to the party or the wedding reception as we call it ,after the ceremony .Of course,most members of my family were there , as well as the groom’s family and a collection of the bride and groom’s friends and colleagues . To make the celebration special ,we did what families normally do. My mother made sure that the church and the reception venue were nicely decorated -there were flowers everywhere !Obviously we all dressed for the occasion, and there were bridesmaids, gifts ,a huge wedding cake ,and so on. I enjoyed the occasion because it was great to see my sister so happy on her big day. The ceremony was perfect ,and we all had fantastic time at the reception.It’s rare for me to see all of my family and friend together in one place ,so that’s probably what made the day so memorable for me . the biggest and most important day of her life 【感受词搭】她生命中最重要的一天 come to the party 【场景词搭】参加聚会 nicely decorated 【感受词搭】装修精美 have fantastic time 【探索词搭-心灵】享受超棒的时光 4.今日真题 Do you think wedding is very important? 舌尖上的雅思,雅思口语第一品牌。 “多叔MV非起不可早读团"!每天早上7:30-8:00,【YY语音】100380频道收看雅思口语宗师全球公益晨读直播!传授纯正的英式语音语调,断句,和地道的习语表达! 多叔带领MV早读团公益晨读传授给大家纯正的英式语音语调,断句,和地道的习语表达!这里是MV大家庭,是爱的家庭,是属于大家的奋斗港湾 逻辑口语,中国唯一在全球推广发行的口语体系!系统学习,请关注: 1.【QQ群】:MV雅思口语高分团3群 538403252 2.【新浪微博】@雅思钱多多 3.【公共微信】:ddielts