2016年12月期 第10集(12.10)逻辑口语日背一段:zoo

2016年12月期 第10集(12.10)逻辑口语日背一段:zoo

2016-12-14    02'23''

主播: 多叔雅思口语

117 12

20161210Morning Voice Fighting! [MV 第652 天]《zoo》 MV 高分口语早读团栏目#逻辑口语,日背一段# 请先熟悉下列口语词搭背后的逻辑思维, 然后跟着音频读3 遍材料, 最后理解背诵该段材料! Do you think it is important for children to visit a zoo? Yes, I think it is important for children to visit the zoo. So many animals are at risk now and so many habitats are being destroyed so we need to save them. The zoo is probably the only place where these kids can get to see a real live example. Also the kids just love seeing the famous animals like the Panda, Tigers and monkeys. 核心口语词搭: At risk 处于危险【感受词搭】 save them 拯救他们【探索词搭-手脚】 see a real live example 看活着的例子【探索词搭-眼睛】 我们的目标是:我们要脱口而出说英文,还要开口脆的英音哦! MV 早读团誓言: I have a dream that one day I can speak amazing British Accent! I have a dream that one day I can speak fluent and beautiful English! I promise If I give up ,you can call me loser! 舌尖上的雅思,雅思口语第一品牌 “MV 高分口语早读团"!雅思口语宗师全球公益早读,传授纯正的英式语音语调, 断句,和地道的习语表达!这里是MV 大家庭,是爱的家庭,是属于大家的奋斗 港湾 逻辑口语,中国唯一在全球推广发行的口语体系! 系统学习,请关注: 1.【QQ 群】:MV 雅思口语高分团3 群538403252 2.【新浪微博】@雅思钱多多 3.【公共微信】:ddielts