

2016-03-17    04'33''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

84 4

本期话题:你只是别人眼中的一个小插曲 Everyone wants to be liked and accepted, but many of us spend too much time and energy worrying about what other people think.The truth is, you&`&re not that special. You keep thinking about how other people might be judging you,chances are, they aren’t thinking about you anyway. This perception of them watching you and critiquing your every move is just a complete figment of your imagination. 大意: 每个人都希望被他人喜爱和认同,但有时候,我们往往浪费太多精力,去在意别人的看法。事实上,你并没有那么特别,当你担心别人如何看待你的一举一动时,其实他们可能根本没有在关注你。 词汇: Perception:感知,感觉 Critique:批判,评论 figment of imagination :臆构,凭空想象 欢迎留言 想提高英语口语,请下载“英语流利说”。我们的官网:http://www.liulishuo.com/ 结尾歌曲:Enchanted—owl city (注:部分素材源自网络) 想和Dean一起学英语,快快直戳http://t.cn/Rq43KMi下载“英语流利说”吧