

2017-03-20    10'22''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

31 2

Hello,大家好,欢迎来到人听人爱的流利说好声音,我是Tina酱。今天由我们的Jimmy男神带来《这个杀手不太冷》里的片尾曲《Shape of My Heart》。这部经典的法剧想必大家都看过,那这首曲子你还记得吗? 歌名:Shape of My Heart 原唱:Sting 翻唱:Jimmy 背景音乐:River flows in you He deals the cards as a meditation And those he plays never suspect He doesn't play for the money he wins He doesn't play for respect 他出牌时冥想沉思 他的对手从未怀疑 他玩牌不为赢取金钱 也不为收获敬意 He deals the cards to find the answer The secret geometry of chance The hidden law of probable outcome The numbers lead a dance 他在牌局中寻找答案 神秘莫测的几何概率 可能结果的隐藏法则 数据引思维翩翩起舞 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that the diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart 我知道黑桃是士兵手中刃 我知道梅花是战争之兵器 我知道方块意味着这棋局艺术里的财富 但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形) He may play the jack of diamonds He may lay the queen of spades He may conceal a king in his hand While the memory of it fades 他也许会出方块J 他可能下注黑桃Q 又或者 他会藏起手中的K 而同局者将它遗忘 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 我知道黑桃是士兵手中刃 我知道梅花是战争之兵器 我知道方块意味着这棋局艺术里的财富 但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形) 那不是我要的红桃(那并非我心之形) And if I told you that I loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one 如果我说我爱你 你也许觉得不对劲 我并不是多面的人啊 我的面具始终如一 Those who speak know nothing And find out to their cost Like those who curse their luck in too many places And those who fear lost 多言的牌手却一无所知 只是斤斤计较自己得失 正如到处咒骂自己背运的人 还有胆小如鼠害怕输局的人 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier I know that the clubs are weapons of war I know that diamonds mean money for this art But that's not the shape of my heart But that's not the shape of my heart That's not the shape, the shape of my heart 我知道黑桃是士兵手中刃 我知道梅花是战争之兵器 我知道方块意味着这棋局艺术里的财富 但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形) 但那不是我要的红桃(但那并非我心之形) 那不是我要的红桃(那并非我心之形) 这首歌就是Leon的内心独白。一个职业杀手,生活在自己的世界里。曾经有过刻骨铭心的爱,可在永远失去爱人后,开始了一个人的旅程。直到他遇到马蒂尔,他才重新感受到了爱的滋味,只可惜他在马蒂尔的表白后无法直面自己的内心,正视自己的感情。