身体不舒服不说uncomfortable? 要这样说!

身体不舒服不说uncomfortable? 要这样说!

2017-03-22    03'05''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

33 2

想提高英语,快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to today's podcast. Today we're going to learn four expressions to talk about when we are feeling sick, Let's listen to the dialogue: A: Hey Brian, how are you doing? B: Not so great, I don’t feel very well. A: Oh? What’s wrong? B: I’ve got a headache and my nose is blocking up. A: Really? Me too! I think I’m coming down with something. B: Yeah, I think there’s something going around. 1. 不舒服 不要说: I’m uncomfortable (uncomfortable 指的是因为环境引起的不舒服:比如说,because my bed is too hard, or because the people around me are not very nice. Then I can feel uncomfortable.) 正确说法: I don’t feel very well / I feel sick 2. 怎么了? 有什么问题? 不要说: What’s wrong with you 语气抓不准会被理解为 "你有病吗?!" 的骂人话 正确说法: What’s wrong? What’s the matter? 3. 我可能病了 I think I’m coming down with something 这里的 something = 病,特别是感冒之类的,当你开始不舒服可以这样说 4. 现在有病毒/流感传染 There’s something going around 这里的 something = 病毒,特别是流感,当你发现身边很多人都感冒了可以这样说 ******** 想学到更多更地道的英文? 别忘了关注我 (点击我的用户名) 我是来自澳洲的华裔老师,有五年的丰富教学经验,深度了解中国学生学英语的困难,常犯错误。可以用最标准的口音为你们讲解。 Thanks for listening everyone, have a great day! See you next time!