外教告诉你: 接待客人要这样说!

外教告诉你: 接待客人要这样说!

2017-03-27    02'32''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

32 2

想提高英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to today’s podcast Today, we’re going to learn some useful expressions for welcoming guests Let’s listen to the dialogue A: Gary, nice to see you! Come on in! Gary, 很高兴见到你!快进来! B: Thank you! Nice to see you too, how have you been? 谢谢! 也很高兴见到你, 最近怎么样? A: Great. You can leave your shoes on. Can I get you a drink? A coffee? A tea? 很好。你别脱鞋了。你要点什么喝的吗? 一杯咖啡?茶? B: Oh yes please, a coffee would be great. 哦好的谢谢,一杯咖啡就好了 A: Ok, be back in a moment. Make yourself at home 好的,我马上回来。你随便坐,不要客气。 Today's Expressions 1. Come on in = another way to say “come in”, 更非正式一点 2. Can I get you a drink = 你要点什么喝的吗? 3. Make yourself at home =请自便,不要客气 要是不是在家里接待客人,也可以说 make yourself comfortable What do you usually say when you welcome guests at home or in your office? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 想学到更多更地道的英文? 别忘了关注我 (点击我的用户名) 我是来自澳洲的华裔老师,有五年的丰富教学经验,深度了解中国学生学英语的困难,常犯错误。可以用最标准的口音为你们讲解。 Thanks for listening everyone, have a great day! See you next time!