

2017-03-29    05'27''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”app吧! ------------------------------------------------------ 呜啦啦啦,欢迎来到流利说好声音,我是Tina酱。今天是由我们的情歌小王子Jimmy带来的歌曲《Born To Die》,这是一首由拉娜德雷演唱的流行歌曲,歌曲表达的意义是赞颂真正的爱和生活。希望大家能找到那个对的他携手缓缓步入“温柔的世界末日”! 歌曲:Born To Die 歌手: Lana Del Rey 翻唱:Jimmy Feet don't fail me now 脚步不再蹒跚 Take me to the finish line 我徐徐走向人生的终点线 All my heart, it breaks every step that I take 每一步 都让我的心绞痛 But I'm hoping that the gates, 但我还是希望天堂的大门 They'll tell me that you're mine 能告诉我 你就是属于我的爱 Walking through the city streets 我穿过城市的大街小巷 Is it by mistake or design? 这是被设计过? 还只是一次失误? I feel so alone on a Friday night 在这个周末的夜晚 我感到如此的孤独 Can you make it feel like home, if I tell you you're mine 如果我告诉你 你就是我的爱 你又是否会给我归属感 It's like I told you honey 亲爱的 我已表达过我的爱意 Don't make me sad, don't make me cry 请不要让我伤心 请不要让我哭泣 Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough 爱情有时让人贪得无厌 让人痛苦不堪 I don't know why 爱情是如此的神秘 Keep making me laugh, 请让我永远的欢笑 Let's go get high 请让我永远的开心 The road is long, we carry on 长路漫漫 我们携手共进 Try to have fun in the meantime 试图在路上寻找一些乐趣来慰藉痛苦 Come and take a walk on the wild side 来吧 让我们一起漫步在野地 Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain 让我在倾盆大雨中与你激吻 You like your girls insane 我知道你喜欢恋人之间的狂热 Choose your last words 选好你最后要说的话 This is the last time 这是我们最后的一次机会 Cause you and I, we were born to die 因为你和我 我们都难逃一死 Lost but now I am found 是你在人海中将我拯救 I can see but once I was blind 是你让我睁开了双眼 I was so confused as a little child 我曾困惑得像个懵懂的孩子 Tried to take what I could get 竭尽全力争取一切机会 Scared that I couldn't find 亲爱的 我害怕失去你的爱