“辛苦了” English 怎么说

“辛苦了” English 怎么说

2017-04-02    02'30''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

64 3

想提高英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to today’s podcast! Today we’re going to talk about the expression 辛苦了 It’s an expression people love to use in China to tell someone you appreciate their handwork But it’s pretty difficult to translate into English! 英文应该怎么表达 “辛苦了” 呢? Let’s have a listen to today’s dialogue A: I’ve prepared all the handouts for tomorrow’s meeting 我准备好了所有明天会议的讲义了 B: Oh thank you so much. I really appreciate it 哦太谢谢你了,非常感激 A: Well, if you don’t need anything else, I’m going to go home now. 那么要是你不需要什么别的我就回家了 B: Sure, you’ve had a long day. Thanks for all your hard work. 好的,你累了一天了。谢谢你的努力工作 在这个对话里我们可以留意到英文里没有 “辛苦了” 的直接对应翻译, 但是有不同的语句可以表达同样的意思 1. Thank you so much = less formal than “thank you very much” 非正式说法 2. I really appreciate it = 我很感激 / 我很感谢 3. You’ve had a long day = 你累了一整天了 4. Thanks for all your hard work = 谢谢你的努力工作 具体用哪一句呢? It depends on the situation 要看情况 But next time you want to say 辛苦了 to someone, you can try using one of the expressions you’ve learnt today