

2017-04-07    04'26''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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想提高你的英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”app吧! Hello,大家好,我是Tina酱,欢迎来到流利说好声音。今天是我们的甜心公举昭鹿Aurora带来的歌曲《Wake Up》,原唱希拉里·达夫是一位美国女演员、歌手、企业家。1999年,希拉里·达夫因主演情景喜剧《新成长的烦恼》一炮而红。她虽然成名很早,但是聪明的她非常清楚自己的特点,知道自己擅长做什么,不该做什么。好了,音乐开始啦! 歌名:Wake Up 觉醒 原唱:HILARY DUFF 翻唱:昭鹿Aurora There's people talking They talk about me They know my name They think they know everything But they don't know anything About me 人们在谈论我 他们知道我的名字 以为他们无不知晓 但其实他们对我一无所知 Give me a dance floor Give me a dj Play me a record Forget what they say Cause I need to go Need to getaway tonight 给我一个舞池 给我一个DJ 放起音乐 忘掉他们的流言 因为我要在今晚抛开这一切 I put my makeup on a Saturday night I try and make it happen Try to make it all right I know I make mistakes I'm living life day to day It's never really easy but it's ok 在周六晚上化好妆 试着去做 我试着让一切好起来 我知道我会犯错 我小心翼翼地生活着 虽然不容易,但这样也不错 Wake Up Wake Up On a Saturday night Could be New York Maybe Hollywood and Vine London, Paris maybe Tokyo There's something going on anywhere I go Tonight Tonight Yeah, tonight 在这个周末的晚上真正苏醒 可以是纽约、好莱坞 伦敦,巴黎,东京 我所在的地方,总有改变发生 The cities restless It's all around me People in motion Sick of all the same routines And they need to go They need to get away Tonight 我所在的城市让人透不过气 人们已经对循规蹈矩毫无波澜的生活感到厌烦 他们需要甩开一切无聊 就在今晚 People all around you Everywhere that you go People all around you They don't really know you Everybody watching like it's some kind of show Everybody's watching They don't really know you now And forever 人们围绕在你身边 不论你去哪里 一直在在你身边 但他们并不真正了解你 人们都把这个当作秀来看 所有人都在看 他们并不真正了解你 永远都不了解 背景音乐:你给我的时间