有钱只会说 “rich”? 你的英语太俗气了!

有钱只会说 “rich”? 你的英语太俗气了!

2017-04-12    01'40''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

11 3

Hi everyone and welcome to today’s podcast Today’s expression is “well-off” Well-off is another way to say “rich”, but it sounds better because it’s more polite. At the same time, it’s less formal than “wealthy”, so we say “well-off” a lot in everyday conversations. well-off 比 rich 更婉转,礼貌 比 wealthy 更接近日常口语 Let’s have a listen to a dialogue A: How are you and Jen going? A: 你和 Jen 还好吗? B: I guess we’re ok, but I don’t really get along with her family. B: 还可以吧,但是我跟她的家人不是很合。 A: Oh? d"Why not? A: 哦?为什么呢? B: Well, they’re pretty well-off, but I come from an average family, so sometimes I feel like they look down on me. 他们挺富裕的,但是你知道我的家庭挺普通的,所有有时候我觉得他们瞧不起我 Here’s my question to you: do you know anyone that’s very well-off? ​