外教教你说 | in 的地道短语,你会几个?

外教教你说 | in 的地道短语,你会几个?

2017-04-23    02'41''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

50 4

想提高你的英语吗?快下载“英语流利说”手机app吧! Hi everyone and welcome to today’s podcast Today, we’re going to learn three useful expressions with the word ‘in’ Let’s listen to the conversation A: Did you hear what happened last Friday at the office? 你有没有听说上周五在办公室发生什么事了? B: No, fill me in! 没有,告诉我啊 A: Well, so you know how our department has been asking for a secretary for ages? The big boss finally gave in! 你知道我们的部门一直在要求雇一个秘书是吧?大老板终于让步了! B: Oh nice! So have you found someone yet? 哦太好了!你们找到人了吗? A: Yes, she won’t start work until next month, but she’s popping in tomorrow to meet the team, 找到了,她要等到下个月才开始上班,但是明天会过来一下,见一见我们的团队 Let’s have a look at the new words: 1. Fill me in = 告诉我 (一些我错过了的信息) Fill someone in means to give them some information they missed out on. 2. Give in (屈服,让步,认输) Give in means to finally say yes to someone and agree to what they are asking you for, after saying no for a long time. 3. Pop in (过来一下) Pop in means to go to a place and stay for a very short time, usually a few minutes to half an hour. ​