

2017-05-08    05'15''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

58 4

Hello,欢迎大家来到《流利说好声音》,我是那个普通话永远说不好的Tina酱。今天是我们一位新的音乐代言人带来的歌曲《Castle on the Hill》。原唱艾德·希兰是英国一位牛逼的创作歌手,2015年10月,他凭借自己“在音乐方面的突出贡献”而被授予萨福克大学荣誉博士学位,这是他16岁离开校园后得到的最高级别的校园荣誉。 背景音乐:流苏 歌名:Castle on the Hill 原唱:艾德·希兰 翻唱:Zi When I was six years old 六岁那年 I broke my leg 我摔断了腿 And I was running from my brother and his friends 就在我弟弟和他朋友追着我跑的时候 And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down 就在摔倒之时我难得的品味到了这山间草地的芬芳 I was younger then 那时我还很小 Take me back to when 能否带我回到 I found my heart and broke it here 我聆听过心声也听到过心碎的地方 Made my friends and lost them through the years 交到了好朋友也丢掉了真朋友的那些过往 And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long 好久好久我都没再看过这故乡停靠的岸 I know I've grown 我知道我已历经成长 I can't wait to go home 已等不及要回到故乡 I'm on my way 我正在回归的路上 Driving at 90 down those 以90英里的时速 Country lanes 行经在这些乡间小路上 Singing to Tiny Dancer 对着 Tiny Dancer歌唱 And I miss the way you made me feel 我会想念你曾让我感受到的那些过往 It's real, we watched the sunset 真实美好 如我们一同看过的日落 Over the castle on the hill 在那山岭间的城堡之上 Fifteen years old 十五岁时 And smoking hand-rolled cigarettes 抽着用手卷起的自制香烟 Running from the law through the backfields 沿着屋后田野自由奔跑 And getting drunk with my friends 和朋友们宿醉酩酊 Had my first kiss on a Friday night 初吻献于一个周五的夜里 I don't reckon that I did it right 也不确定那是否真算初吻哩 But I was younger then 那时我还那么年轻 Take me back to when 就带我回到 We found weekend jobs, when we got paid 那初次找到兼职 赚到工资的时候 We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight 买到便宜的劣酒便直接兴奋畅饮的时候 Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long 我和我的老朋友们好久都再没喝酒喝到吐的时候 Oh, how we've grown 噢 我们都在成长 在远走 I can't wait to go home 我已迫不及待要回到家中 I'm on my way 我已经在路上了 等我 Driving at 90 down those 以90英里的时速 Country lanes 行经在这些乡间小路上 Singing to Tiny Dancer 对着 Tiny Dancer歌唱 And I miss the way you made me feel 我会想念你曾让我感受到的那些过往 It's real, we watched the sunset 真实美好 如我们一同看过的日落 Over the castle on the hill 在那山岭间的城堡之上 这首歌的歌词朴实清新,讲述了原唱曾经成长且布满美好记忆的地方。初吻、劣质酒、自制卷烟、第一份兼职得来的工资,这些纯真美好的东西会伴随我们成长渐渐淡忘,也许回不去的都叫做回忆吧!