

2017-05-19    04'18''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

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学英语就下载“英语流利说”手机app! Hello,大家好,欢迎来到流利说好声音,我是Tina酱。今天是我们的小可爱辞柯带来的翻唱《How Does A Moment Last Forever》,这首歌是真人版《美女与野兽》的插曲,原唱是格兰美的宠儿席琳迪翁。相信大家从小就听过《美女与野兽》这个童话故事,让我们一起从歌曲中探秘贝儿与王子的爱吧! 背景音乐:lost love 歌名:How Does A Moment Last Forever 原唱:席琳·迪翁 翻唱:辞柯 How does a moment last forever? 刹那如何成永恒 How can a story never die? 故事如何常流转 It is love we must hold onto 请一定要相信爱 Never easy, but we try 虽然不容易,但请试试 Sometimes our happiness is captured 幸福有时被夺走 Somehow, our time and place stand still 不知何故,时空凝滞 Love lives on inside our hearts and always will 我们心中的爱永不凋谢 Minutes turn to hours, days to years and gone 分秒累计,天天年年,时光流逝 But when all else has been forgotten 即使一切被世界遗忘 Still our song lives on 我们的歌,仍在 Maybe some moments weren’t so perfect 也许时光不是总那么完美 Maybe some memories not so sweet 也许记忆并不总是甜蜜 But we have to know some bad times 但我们要知道,有这些逆境 Or our lives are incomplete 或许生活本来就残缺不全 Then when the shadows overtake us 如果有一天阴影笼罩住我们 Just when we feel all hope is gone 令我们万念俱灰 We’ll hear our song and know once more 我们就会听见心中的歌再次明白 Our love lives on 我们的爱 仍在 How does a moment last forever? 剎那如何成永恆 How does our happiness endure? 幸福如何常相随 Through the darkest of our troubles 穿越最黑暗的困境 Love is beauty, love is pure 爱仍美,爱仍真 Love pays no mind to desolation 爱无视孤寂 It flows like a river through the soul 流淌如滋养灵魂的河流 Protects, persists, and perseveres 守护、坚持、锲而不舍 And makes us whole 让我们圆满