

2017-05-24    03'02''

主播: 英语流利说(官方)

74 6

歌名:mistletoe 原唱:贾斯汀·比伯 翻唱:小默 It's the most beautiful time of the year 又到了一年中最美好的时节 Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer 街上张灯结彩 欢声笑语不断 I should be playing in the winter snow 现在我本该在雪堆里嬉戏 But I'mma be under the mistletoe 但槲寄生下才是我心之所向 I don't wanna miss out on the holiday 我不希望错过了这个节日 But I can't stop staring at your face 可是就是禁不住 一次一次凝望你的俏脸 I should be playing in the winter snow 现在我本该在雪堆里嬉戏 But I'mma be under the mistletoe 但槲寄生下才是我心之所向 With you, shawty with you 和你一起,宝贝,和你一起 With you, shawty with you 和你一起,宝贝,和你一起 With you, under the mistletoe 和你一起,在槲寄生下共诉衷肠 Everyone's gathering around the fire 大伙们都在火堆旁围了起来 Chestnuts roasting like a hot July 栗子烤的像七月一样炎热(栗子是圣诞节的经典食品) I should be chillin with my folks I know 我本该和朋友在一起的 But I'mma be under the mistletoe 但槲寄生下才是我心之所向 Word on the street santa's coming at night 街上传言今晚圣诞老人要降临 Reindeer's flying to the sky so high 天上的驯鹿在高空穿梭而来 I should be making a list i know 我本应该写下自己的愿望清单 But I'mma be under the mistletoe 但槲寄生下才是我心之所向 With you, shawty with you 和你一起,宝贝,和你一起 With you, shawty with you 和你一起,宝贝,和你一起 With you, under the mistletoe 和你一起在槲寄生下共诉衷肠 With you, shawty with you 和你一起,宝贝,和你一起 With you, shawty with you 和你一起,宝贝,和你一起 With you, under the mistletoe 和你一起在槲寄生下共诉衷肠 Aye love, the wiseman followed a star 爱情啊,就像智者循着伯利恒之星前行   The way I follow my heart 我随着我的心找到了你 And it lead me to a miracle 他让我见证了奇迹 Aye love, dont you buy me nothing 爱情啊,什么都不要给我买 I am feeling one thing 我已经感觉到一种炙热的情怀 your lips on my lips 现在你我双唇交接 That's a merry merry Christmas 这是最好的圣诞快乐问候 It's the most beautiful time of the year 又到了一年中最美好的时节 Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer 街上张灯结彩 欢声笑语不断 I should be playing in the winter snow 现在我本该在雪堆里嬉戏 But I'mma be under the mistletoe 但槲寄生下才是我心之所向 I don't wanna miss out on the holiday 我不想错过了这个节日 But I can't stop staring at your face 可是就是禁不住 一次一次凝望你的俏脸 I should be playing in the winter snow 现在我本该在雪堆里嬉戏