车水马龙   藤影余辉

车水马龙 藤影余辉

2016-11-17    02'26''

主播: 夏夜星雨

129 4

Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine,   八仙花蓝,老钞已旧,时光虽逝,神圣永恒   Cashmere, cologne and white sunshine.   丝滑羊绒,古龙水香,和煦日光   Red racing cars, sunset in vine,   车水马龙,藤影余晖   The kids were young and pretty.   美好青春似留昨日   Where have you been? Where did you go?   你在哪里,身处何方?   Those summer nights seem long ago,   多年前仲夏之夜,是否记起   And so is the girl you used to call,   记忆中她的容颜,模糊不清   The Queen of New York City.   当年你曾与她坐拥纽约城的繁华   But if you send for me you know I'll come,   纵别多年,一通电话,我就出现   And if you call for me you know I'll run.   一封信至,我会奔向你   I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run, run, run.   我会奔向你,即便会耗尽生命   I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'll come, come,   come.   我会奔向你,用尽所有力气   The power of youth is on my mind,   青春宝贵,现在心有余而力不足   Sunsets, small town, I'm out of time.   日落晚霞,狭小城镇,我已回不去那段旧时光   Will you still love me when I shine,   若我风光依旧,你是否会依然爱我   From words but not from beauty?   若我无精致容貌,你是否会听我吐露真言?   My father's love was always strong,   我的父亲对爱不减   My mother's glamor lives on and on,   我的母亲风韵犹存   Yet still inside I felt alone,   至今没人看见我内心空洞   For reasons unknown to me.   孤独空洞无理由四面袭来   But if you send for me you know I'll come,   纵别多年,一通电话,我就出现   And if you call for me you know I'll run.   一封信至,我会奔向你   I'll run to you, I'll run to you, I'll run, run, run.   我会奔向你,即便会耗尽生命   I'll come to you, I'll come to you, I'll come, come,   come.   我会奔向你,用尽所有力气   And if you call I'll run, run, run,   若你需要,我会立刻出现   If you change your mind I'll come, come, come.   若你愿回心转意,我会不顾一切奔向你   Blue hydrangea, cold cash, divine,   八仙花蓝,老钞已旧,时光虽逝,神圣永恒   Cashmere, cologne and hot sunshine.   丝滑羊绒,古龙水香,灼热日光   Red racing cars, sunset in vine,   车水马龙,藤影余晖   And we were young and pretty.   我们美好青春似留昨日[3]
上一期: 科恩的诗与歌
下一期: The Sally Gardens