干货 | 最全的西餐厅点餐英语

干货 | 最全的西餐厅点餐英语

2019-05-30    10'16''

主播: 随口说说新西兰

238 4

今天分享给大家几乎所有会在西餐厅点餐时用到的英语词句,伙伴们好好练习,之后不论去新西兰还是什么美国加拿大澳大利亚的西餐厅都不会丢范儿了。 进店 Hello, Do you have a reservation (定位) Yes, i have a reservation in the name of Leon. 是的,我用Leon的名字定的 Party of how many? / How many people are in your party? 请问你们一共几位? Just two. 两位。 This way please, 这边请。 饮品 Can I get you a drink? / What would you like for drinks? 您想先点个什么喝的吗? Just water please, no ice. thanks. 水就可以,不要加冰。谢谢。 I will have a glass of red wine 红酒 please. 请给我一杯红酒。 点餐 Are you ready to order? / Can I take your order 点餐? 请问可以为您点餐了吗? Not yet, just give us a minute. 还没有,再给我们点时间。 What would you recommend 推荐? 你有什么推荐的吗? What are today's specials 特色? 今天的特色菜是什么? 前菜 Would you like a starter 前菜? 请问您要点一份前菜吗? Sure, what do you have? 可以啊,你们有哪些前菜呢? We have garden salad, caesar salad, clam chowder and chicken noodle soup.我们有田园沙拉,凯撒沙拉,蛤蜊浓汤和鸡肉面条汤。 I'll have a chicken noodle soup please. 请给我来一份鸡肉面条汤吧 主菜 What would you like for your entree / main course 主菜? 请问您想点什么主菜? I'd like a steak please. 我来一份牛排吧。 Sure, how would you like your steak done? 好的,请问您要几分熟? Medium please. 5分熟吧。 Blue 近生, Rare 一分熟, Medium Rare 三分熟, Medium 五分熟,Medium Well 七分熟, Well Done 全熟. How would you like your eggs? 请问鸡蛋你想怎么做? Sunny side up please. 单面煎吧。 over easy 两面煎,Scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋, Hard boiled 煮鸡蛋,Omelettes 鸡蛋饼 Ribs 猪排, Lamb 羊肉, Chicken 鸡肉, Seafood 海鲜, Burger 汉堡, Pasta 意大利面. 配菜 What would you like for your side 配菜? 您要点什么配菜呢? What do you have? 你们有些什么呢? We have fish and ships, mashed potatoes, sweet potato chips,baked beans and onion rings. 我们有炸鱼薯条,土豆泥,炸红薯,烘豆子和炸洋葱圈。 I'll have some sweet potato ships please. 给我来一份炸红薯条吧。 特别需求 Does this contain nuts / dairy? 这个里面含有坚果 / 奶制品吗? I am allergic to nuts / dairy. allergic to 对…过敏 我对坚果 / 奶制品过敏。 甜品 I'd like to have some dessert 甜品 please。 cake 蛋糕, ice cream 冰淇淋, brownie 巧克力蛋糕, cheese cake 芝士蛋糕