271 爱打瞌睡的狗

271 爱打瞌睡的狗

2021-06-26    02'23''

主播: 良声英语

236 1

Sleepy Dog 爱打瞌睡的狗 Chapter 1: Sleepy Dog 第一章:瞌睡狗 Time for bed, sleepyhead. 小瞌睡虫,该睡觉啦! Sleepy, sleepy, up to bed. 困啦,困啦,上床去喽。 Head on pillow. Nose under covers. 要把头枕在枕头上,鼻子盖在被子里哦。 Cat on bed. 小猫也要在床上哟。 Kiss me. 亲亲我。 Kiss me good. 好好亲亲我。 Kiss me good night. 给我一个晚安吻。 Turn on the moon. 打开月光。 Turn off the light. 关掉灯光。 Sleepy,sleepy,sweet dreams tonight. 困啦,困啦,今晚做个好梦。 Chapter 2: Dreaming 第二章:做梦 I dream I am eating. 我梦到自己在吃东西。 I dream I am jumping. 我梦到自己在跳跃呢。 I dream I am running. 我又梦到我在奔跑。 Someone is chasing me. HELP! 有人在追我!救命啊! Now I am awake. 现在我醒了。 I need a drink of water. 我要喝点水。 Sleepy, sleepy, back to bed. 困啦,困啦,回到床上继续睡觉吧。 Chapter 3: The Clock 第三章:闹钟 The clock says tick, tick, tick, tick. 闹钟嘀嗒,嘀嗒地响着。 The clock shouts ring, ring, ring! 闹钟铃,铃,铃地叫着! Turn off the moon. 关上月光。 Turn off the clock. 关上闹钟。 Turn on the sun. 打开阳光。 Turn on the light. 打开灯光。 Good morning, cat… time to play! 早上好,小猫……是时候去玩耍啦! Good morning, little dog. 早上好,我的小狗狗。 ​好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~​
上一期: 268 爸爸最擅长做的事
下一期: 274 暴风雨