

2019-06-04    04'04''

主播: 良声英语

150 3

大家好,欢迎收听今天的里昂夜读,我是里昂。 背景:MT1990 - 陪我长大钢琴版 朗读:美式发音 Can I Carry You? 能否再抱抱你? Brad Anderson 布拉德•安德森 I guess that I can hold you one more time before you grow and tell you that I love you so that you will always know. 我想,在你长大之前 我还能再抱你一次吧 并告诉你我永远爱你 这样,你便不会忘却 Please let me tie your shoe again. One day you'll tie your own. And when you think back to this time I hope it's love I've shown. 就让我再给你系一次鞋带 直到你能够自己系为止 当你长大回想此事时 我希望这是爱的体现 Can I help you put your coat on? Can I please cut up your meat? Can I pull you in the wagon? Can I pick you out a treat? 我能再帮你穿上外套吗 我能再帮你切好肉排吗 我能再把你抱进童车吗 我能再带你出去吃饭吗 One day you might just care for me, so let me care for you. I want to be a part of every little thing you do. 当我老去,你总会照顾我的 所以现在,就让我呵护你吧 你做的每件小事 我都很想要参与 Tonight could I please wash your hair? Can I put toys in the bath? Can I help you count your small ten toes before I teach you math? 今晚我能帮你洗头发吗 你洗澡时我能再给你些玩具玩吗 在你学习算数之前 我能教你数你的十个小脚趾吗 Before you join a baseball team can I pitch you one more ball? And one more time can I stand near to make sure you don't fall? 在你加入棒球队之前 我能再为你掷一次球吗 我会站的再近一点 确保你不会摔倒 Let's take another space-ship ride Up to the Planet Zoor. Before our Cardboard Rocket doesn't fit us anymore. 让我们再次乘坐“宇宙飞船” 前往“祖尔星球”吧 赶在我们造的“纸板火箭” 还适合我们之前 Please let me help you up the hill. while you're still too small to climb. And let me read you stories while you're young and have the time. 让我帮你越过山丘吧 你还太小难以完成 趁着你还小 让我再给你读些故事 I know the day will come when you will do these things alone. Will you recall the shoulder rides and all the balls we've thrown? 我知道这一天总会到来 你迟早能独立完成这些事 你还记得每一次“骑马” 和每一次玩球的场景吗 I want you to grow stronger than your Dad could ever be. And when you find success there will be no soul more proud than me. 愿你长大后足够坚强 就如你的父亲我一样 当你取得成功时 没有哪个人比我更欣喜 So will you let me carry you? One day you'll walk alone. I cannot bear to miss one day from now until you've grown. 所以让我抱抱你吧 总有一天你要独自前行 我不愿错失从现在 到你长大之间的每一天 你最宝贵的是什么东西呢?于我而言,最宝贵的就是记忆了。 第一次上学时的紧张,第一次恋爱时的喜悦,还有第一次挫折后的失落……我生命中经历过的酸甜苦辣,都在深藏在心底了。 如果有时光机 你会选择回到记忆里的哪一刻呢? 留言告诉我吧