

2019-06-05    03'02''

主播: 良声英语

150 3

大家好,欢迎收听今天的里昂夜读,我是里昂。 背景:五行元素乐团 - 秋霞 朗读:美式发音 Breeze-Ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden 曲院风荷 作者:卢文丽 译者:吴笛、刘云雁 At this moment of destiny Lotus, the summer become surprised Before your lyrical palm 在这命定的时辰 荷,你抒情的手掌 使夏季猝不及防 The past dreams produce Many fragrances at the shore. Lotus, I see you again and again At this moment,your agelong camlet Is taken up by the flute sound. Who is whispering slowly Beyond the time? The serenity in the wind is dolorous. 往昔的梦想在岸边 结满芬芳,荷 这一刻我反复看到你 千年的羽衣 被箫声托起 是谁在时光之外 缓缓低诉 风中的宁静是忧伤的 l wish I could come back To those vagabond journey. You took me through the rain of spring And the ash of winter With your swanlike wings. But, Lotus, tell me. What is approaching In the breeze And making my only yearning more hollow As you left me for one day? 如果能够回首 那些浪迹的旅途 你天鹅的翅膀 曾带我穿越春天的雨水 和冬天的灰烬 但荷呵 在微凉的风中 又是什么开始逼近 而且你离开了一个日子 使我仅有的怀念更加空旷 Oh, eternal lotus seed pod, I want to dance with you in the moonlight. I want to live with you all my life, When the bright moon rises Over the Crystal Pavilion for the thousandth time. Oh, Lotus, you can see the land is swaying And all the ice cubes, silvers fragments and aches Have flown away over the water. 真想在月光中与你共舞 真想与你厮守 一生不变的莲蓬 当湛碧楼的明月 第一千次升起 荷,大地摇曳 冰块、碎银和疼痛 在水面远远飘 这首诗选自我国著名当代诗人 卢文丽老师的《西湖印象诗》 能写出如此情深意切的诗句 正是因为她在这里成长 西湖,也早已是她生命中重要的一部分 如果说“情人眼里出西施” 那西湖,就是她的眼里的西施 晚 安 互 动 每个人对最美的景色定义都不同 有人喜山,有人好水 也有人最爱童年放学路上看到的那一抹夕阳 有哪些美丽的风景 让你难以忘怀呢? 说来听听吧