里昂夜读520 -人潮拥挤,你紧握着我【美音】

里昂夜读520 -人潮拥挤,你紧握着我【美音】

2019-11-12    01'12''

主播: 良声英语

1945 18

The very thought of you 每一次想到你 Nat·King·Cole 纳特·金·科尔 背景:Angels Of Venice - Nothing Else Matters 朗读:美式发音 The very thought of you, 每一次想到你 And I forget to do, 我就会忘了去做 The little ordinary things 好多日常小事 That everyone ought to do. 原本是每个人都应该去做的 I'm living in a kind of daydream. 我活在一种白日幻想中 I'm happy as a king. 快乐得跟一个国王似的 And foolish though it may seem 这种想法可能会很可笑 To me, that's everything. 但对我来说确实是这样 The mere idea of you, 纯粹地去想你 The longing here for you 去思念你 You'll never know how slow the moments go 你不知道时间会过地多慢 仿若静止一般 Until I'm near to you. 直到我向你靠近 I see your face in every flower, 我看到你如花儿般脸庞 Your eyes in stars above. 你如星星般的眼睛 It's just the thought of you, 我想到的你就是这样 The very thought of you, 每一次想到你都是这样 My love. 我的爱人