

2020-05-05    01'34''

主播: 良声英语

1937 14

Traveling Light 轻装前行 Joel Hanson 背景:昼夜-夜的钢琴曲八 朗读:美式发音 I was doubling over the load on my shoulders 曾经在我肩头有千钧重担,让我不堪重负 Was a weight I carried with me everyday 每天每日我都觉得沉重不堪难以解脱! Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging 穿过满路荆棘挫折,趟过无数狂怒激流 Picking up stones I found along the way 不忘一路俯拾寻找圆润美丽的卵石! I staggered and I stumbled down 我一路蹒跚,坎坷前行 Pathways of trouble 走过这条烦恼不断的旅途! I was hauling those souvenirs of misery 所有痛苦不幸的回忆让我步履蹒跚 And with each step taken my back was breaking 每一步都仿似将要压弯我的脊梁 'Til I found the One who took it all from me 直到遇到那个人,我如释重负 Down by the riverside 漫步河畔 I laid my burdens down 我卸下满身重负 Now I'm traveling light 如今我将轻装前行 My spirit lifted high 满心舒畅一身轻盈 I found my freedom now 如今的我终于自由 I found my freedom now 如今的我终于自由