262 小老鼠搬家

262 小老鼠搬家

2021-04-24    03'14''

主播: 良声英语

323 3

Mouse Moves House 小老鼠搬家 By Phil Roxbee Cox Mack the mouse is moving house. 小老鼠麦克要搬家了。 Mack packs his backpack. 小老鼠麦克把一件件东西放进背包里。 Now Mack packs his plates. 现在,麦克要把盘子装进箱子里。 Here is Mack's friend Jack. 这是麦克的好朋友杰克。 Together, Mack and Jack pack and pack. 杰克和麦克一起包呀捆呀,忙个不停。 Jack packs Mack's nick-nacks in a black sack. 杰克把麦克的小摆饰装进黑色的大口袋里。 CRACK! Look out, Jack! 哐当!小心啊,杰克! It's time to pack the pictures. 接着,该装画了。 Mack and Jack pack...and they stack... 麦克和杰克不停地装啊...捆啊... Mack and Jack pack... 他们继续整理着...... ...then they stop for a cheesy snack. ...然后他们休息一下,吃了块脆皮儿点心。 Now Mack is all packed. 现在麦克全部家当都捆扎好了。 "That's that!" says Jack. “就这样吧!”杰克说。 Jack helps Mack put his backpack on his back. 杰克帮助麦克把鼓鼓的背包背起来。 Mack opens his door and walks out onto the floor. 麦克打开门,走在室外的地板上。 "Run!" shouts Jack, "It's a cat." “快跑!”杰克突然大喊,“门口有一只大肥猫。” But Mack stays out. 可是,麦克在外面停下了脚步。 He chats with the cat. 他和猫咪开心地聊了起来。 "Come here, Jack. Meet my friend Fat Cat." “过来,杰克,认识一下我的好朋友肥猫吧。” Mack the mouse is moving house on Fat Cat's back! 麦克骑在大肥猫的背上向新家走去! 好啦,今天的故事就到这啦~