看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM scene40 讲解

看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM scene40 讲解

2019-06-11    03'51''

主播: Miss美语发音

113 0

本节目为Miss美语发音系列节目:看美剧学英语的 讲解音频 Miss美语发音带你脱离字幕看美剧,一步搞定发音表达 Before you check the lines, make sure you have already tried your best to listen, to watch, and to learn by yourself. B-Barney M-Marshall R- Robin T-Ted L-Lily R:-Ranjit S-someone 1. the lines ... T: So Orlando you gonna hit Disney World? R: You love me? T: I...I can&`&t belive I said that. Why did I say that? Who says that? I should just go. R: Hold on. Wait a minute. I promised you these. T: Olives. Thanks. I love you. What is wrong with me? ... 2. words, phrases, sentences ... T: So Orlando you gonna hit Disney World? R: You love me? T: I...I can&`&t belive I said that. Why did I say that? Who says that? I should just go. R: Hold on. Wait a minute. I promised you these. T: Olives. Thanks. I love you. What is wrong with me? ... 3. pronunciation tips ... T: So Orlando you gonna hit Disney World? R: You love me? T: I...I can&`&t belive I said that. Why did I say that? Who, says that? I should just go. R: Hold on. Wait a minute. I promised you these. T: Olives. Thanks. I love you. What is wrong with me? ... 提醒: 先看整集,不留悬念 关注表达,理清发音 模仿跟读,灵活运用 系统正音发音纠音学习请查看阅读原文 同系列近3篇: Scene39 HIMYM S01E01 看美剧学英语 Scene38 HIMYM S01E01 看美剧学英语 Scene37 HIMYM S01E01 看美剧学英语 Miss美语发音