

2016-11-04    01'04''

主播: CEC攻克英语俱乐部联盟

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CEC大学生攻克英语俱乐部联盟*Daily English每日英语* 】11/2,Day34: Auroras of Alaska        Alaska /is known for /its dark cold winters /and long daylight summers. People venture there/ for its beautiful scenery, majestic vistas/ and to witness its spectacular light show /virtually every night of the year. "Witnessing the northern lights /is spectacular. It's awe inspiring /because you can't really explain /what they are /and why they are there," a visitor said.        In ancient times, mythological gods /were credited with this creation. But these mysterious lights /get their powerful glow /from the same awesome force/ that gives our planet life. 阿拉斯加的极光       阿拉斯加以其夜长昼短的阴冷冬季与长日照的夏季而著名。人们冒险来到这里观赏它美妙的景色、壮丽的风光,并亲眼看看一年中几乎每晚都会出现的极光奇观。“目睹北极光宛如身临仙境,奇幻之至,既兴奋又令人敬畏,因为你无法解释它们是何物,为何而来,”一位游客说。     在古代,人们认为是传说中的神仙创造了这种景象。但实际上,这种神秘之光的强度光亮来自于同样赋予地球以生命的令人敬畏的力量。   更多英语学习正能量,请关注微信公众号:国际口译口语 添加全球英语学习咨询微信号:kouyi-kouyu. 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~