

2018-12-11    00'48''

主播: 黑子小蟹

192 0

1. 这不是偷懒,这是你的天性。我们需要换个角度思考学习。孩子们天生就喜欢尝试和冒险。 It’s not the laziness, it’s your nature. We need to think about learning differently. Children have an innate need to attempt and venture (something fresh and new). 2. 当孩子们感兴趣和被吸引时,他们会学习身边的点滴。但如果相反,因为无聊、厌倦或者被学习弄得很疲劳,孩子们就会“学习”一些能给他们带来刺激的不良游戏。 When children are interested and attracted, they will pick up the knowledge around them. But when they can’t - because they’re bored, sick or fed up by learning, they will slide into harmful video games that give them some sense of relief. 3. 太久了,我们都仅仅谈论了在学习中的个人成功。但是现在我们需要讨论一下家庭成功。顽皮捣蛋的反面并不是纪律和严厉;顽皮捣蛋的背后是家庭的参与。 For too long, we’ve talked only about individual success in learning, but we need now to talk about family success. The opposite of mischief is not discipline (and strictness); the opposite of mischief is family participation.