

2016-08-14    03'58''

主播: 兔兔Sally

441 17

兔兔决定以后定时在星期天更新啦~期待每个星期天吧! 今天给大家带来一首浓浓民国风的歌——《茉莉香片》,《茉莉香片》是张爱玲的小说,然而我并没有看过,有机会一定要看一下。贰婶的声音加上优美的旋律,变成了别有一番风味的《茉莉香片》。 希望你们喜欢这种风格~ 【附上歌词~中英双版哦】 最初被遗忘在相框里的人 The one who is still in the photo frame 做了谁的替身 as whom you're playing a role 眷顾那段红尘 You're still yearning for days past 付诸笔墨的故事用情太深 addicted too much to the stories 感动了别人 to make people moving 留自己满身伤痕 while injured yourself 那个被织绣在屏风里的人 The one who is still on the silk screen 未曾获得首肯上演兔死狐存 has never been in the drama of sympathy 风轻云淡的讲述嬉笑言嗔 You tell the stories of laugh and curse in serene way 怎挨过宿命 But you can hardly survive 那一声声诘问 the torment of fate 看似清茗甘醇匀一缕茉莉香魂 The tea is aromatic with the soul of jasmine 以肆意花香掩去溃烂心门 It conceals a broken heart with fragrance of flower 品尝茶的苦涩 When you taste the bitter of tea 眷恋花的温存 Feel the softness of flower 滚烫散不开混沌 the chaos is still boiling 墙上死灰脱落却露出旧年积恨 The stucco on wall is shed and colour of old grievance shown 如久病难愈终会落下病根 like lingering illness leaves wound 花的香了无痕 The fragrance of flower is impeccable 茶的苦是认真 The bitter of tea is authentic 是谁讲入木三分 So it be profound as you say