【No.161 情人节特辑】有时候你要做的就是开口去问出那句话

【No.161 情人节特辑】有时候你要做的就是开口去问出那句话

2016-02-13    05'07''

主播: 英语口语每天学

15.7万 5787

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 The Strangers Who Met While Stopped At A Red Light. 红绿灯旁的邂逅 10.5k 次赞 789 条评论 "AJ pulled up next to me at a red light and waved at me and I smiled back. The light turned green and we met at the next red light where he motioned me to roll down my window. We had just enough time to introduce ourselves before the light turned green again. He looked back and said "I&`&m going to see you again," and drove away. We didn&`&t get a chance to exchange numbers. A week later I was at a local deli with friends, and little did I know, he worked there. We reintroduced ourselves, and as I was about to leave, I wrote my number on a napkin. When I went to hand it to him, he already had his number ready to give to me too. It&`&s been a green light ever since." 在一个红绿灯前,AJ在我旁边停下了车,向我招手,我冲他笑了笑。绿灯后,我们在下一个红灯旁又撞见了,他示意我摇下车窗。这个时候我们才有足够的时间来相互认识。他走时回头看着我说,我们会再见的,于是就开车离去了。当时我们并没有交换电话号码。一周后当我和朋友们在当地的一家熟食店购物的时候,又遇到了他,原来他在那工作。我们又重新相互介绍,当我准备离开时,我把自己的号码写在一张餐巾纸上,当我把餐巾纸递给他的时候,他早已经准备好了自己的电话号码给我。从此以后,我们就一路绿灯。 The Running Shoe Salesman And The Personal Trainer. 跑鞋推销员和私人教练 14.8k 次赞 617 条评论 "A couple of years ago, I needed some new running shoes, so I went to a sports store close to where I live. There was this guy with green eyes who worked there and asked me if I needed help. With butterflies in my stomach, I told him I was a personal trainer and needed new running shoes. We started talking and eventually he sold me a pair and I left the store. A few days later, I started seeing him at the gym where I worked and we ended up working out together (couples who train together stay together.) Today we are married with a beautiful daughter. It&`&s my own Cinderella story, but instead of a glass slipper, my prince gave me a pair of Nikes." 一些年之前,我需要一些新跑鞋,所以来到了离我住处比较近的体育用品店。在那我遇到了有着绿色眼睛的他,他问我需要什么。我内心小鹿乱撞,告诉他我是一个私人教练,需要一些跑鞋。于是我们就开始交谈,最终我买了一双鞋离开了那家店。几天之后,我开始在我工作的健身房里看到他,最终我们开始一起健身。(就像情侣一样健身和生活)现在我们已经结婚并且有一个可爱的女儿。这就是我自己的灰姑娘的故事,但我的王子给我的是一双耐克,而不是玻璃鞋。 The Ultimate Frisbee Player And Her Straightforward Suitor. 飞盘情缘 11.7k 次赞 646 条评论 "I was 27 and fed up with the dating scene. I declared to my girlfriends that "if a guy can&`&t just come up to me and ask me out, then he doesn&`&t get to go out with me." Then on a summer evening soon after, I was playing Ultimate frisbee in a recreational league when this confident beautiful man walked up to me and said, "are you dating anyone?" When i replied no, he said, "well then you should date me." We&`&ve been together for 15 years now and have two kids. Sometimes people just need to ask, because the answer might be yes." 我当时27岁,已经受够了约会这一套。我对身边的朋友们讲,如果一个(喜欢我的)男的不能很直接地告诉我,那么他基本没戏。于是乎在不久之后的一个夏夜,当我在一个休闲联赛中玩极限飞盘的时候,有个自信的家伙走到我面前,对我说,你现在有男朋友吗?当我说没有的时候,他说,那么我们应该来约会试试。现在我们在一起已经15年,并且有2个孩子。有时候你要做的就是开口去问出那句话。