Vol.296 big deal不是大买卖的意思!

Vol.296 big deal不是大买卖的意思!

2017-12-13    04'37''

主播: 英语口语每天学

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【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 【新浪微博】@笨老撕 deal n. 交易;买卖; ❖ She got a new car for $1000! That was really a good deal! 她一千美金买了辆车!真是捡了个大便宜! a big deal ①重要的事情 ❖ He got promoted last month. That was a big deal to him! 他上个月升职了。这对他来说是个大事。 ②重要的人物 ❖ I was kind of a big deal in high school. 高中时候我可是风云人物。 ③有什么大不了的!(表示不屑) ❖ A: Hey. I could do one-arm push-ups. 喂,我能做单手俯卧撑. ❖ B: Big deal! I can do push-ups without using my hands! 有什么大不了!我可以不用手做! deal in 经营;做… 的生意 ❖ My dad deals in medical supplies these days, selling X-ray and MRI machines to hospitals. 我爸爸做医疗用品的生意,就是往医院卖X光和核磁共振的一些设备。 今日挑战 把下面5个词组组成一个完整句子, 写在留言处并翻译! ①tough bargaining ②After some ③a deal ④agreed on ⑤we finally