Vol.310 "大吉大利,今晚吃鸡"!

Vol.310 "大吉大利,今晚吃鸡"!

2018-04-12    05'23''

主播: 英语口语每天学

15291 242

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 【新浪微博】@笨老撕 When you win in Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds (Pubg), you see the message: “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner”. 当玩《绝地求生》最后赢了的时候,你就会看到这样的消息:“大吉大利!今晚吃鸡!” PUBG is a game about survival of the fittest. 《绝地求生》是一个适者生存的游戏。 There are three modes of play: solo, duo and squad, with the latter letting you team up with three other players for a team of four. 有三种游戏模式:一人,两人还有组队;组队模式让你和其他3名游戏玩家一起,4个人组成一队。 The game works like this: a number of people are released onto an island, last person standing wins. 游戏这样玩:一群人被释放到一个岛上,最后一个活着的人取得胜利。 There are a few areas of the map that are high traffic, and should largely be avoided. 地图上有些区域人很多,最好不要去。 Each game can last up to about 30 minutes if you're one of the last standing. 每局游戏会持续大约30分钟,前提是你可以一直坚持到最后。 互动问题 留言写下你的“吃鸡”趣事或者技巧,和大家分享。