Vol.369 别人说you're a chicken千万别理解为“你是一只鸡”...

Vol.369 别人说you're a chicken千万别理解为“你是一只鸡”...

2018-08-30    06'18''

主播: 英语口语每天学

50435 396

chicken n. 胆小鬼,懦夫 coward n. /ˈkaʊəd/ a person who is not brave Jump, you&`&re a chicken! 跳呀,你这胆小鬼! Chicken out v. (因害怕而)退缩,放弃 I was going to go bungee jumping, but I chickened out. 我原打算去玩蹦极的,可是因为害怕放弃了。 A chicken and egg situation 鸡与蛋谁先谁后的情况 You need experience to get a job,but you need a job to get experience. It&`&s a chicken and egg situation. 你需要经验才能找到工作,但你需要一份工作才能获得经验。这是一个鸡和蛋的情况。 Run around like a headless chicken 忙得像只无头苍蝇 Let’s make sure everything is ready for the wedding next week, so we don’t have to run around like headless chickens! 让我们确认好下周婚礼一切都已经准备就绪,这样我们就不用像没头苍蝇一样到处乱跑了! Spring chicken [幽默] 年轻人 I don’t know how old Mike is, but obviously he is no spring chicken. 我不知道迈克多大年纪,但显然他已不再年轻了。 今日挑战 选择并翻译 写在留言处和大家分享答案 My money ___. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand. A. has run out B. is running out C. has been run out D. is being run out 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 People were screaming and running down the steps to escape the flames. 人们尖叫着跑下台阶以躲避大火