

2016-05-05    04'07''

主播: 玩转美语

261 7

说服 Persuasion 1. Would you talk some sense into her? 你能开导她一下吗? 2. Don&`&t try to talk me out of it. 别想说动我。别想说服我. 3. He went all out to convince her. 他费尽心力想说服她. 4. Talk me into it. 想办法说服我吧. 5. It won&`&t cost you anything. 这不用花你半分钱. 6. Jump on the band wagon. 顺应时潮吧. 7. Follow the flow. 跟随着大伙依样画葫芦吧. 8. Don&`&t fight it. 不要和潮流唱反调。不要抵挡它. 9. You&`&re tempting me. 你快说动我了。你在引诱我. 10. To change her mind, we need a smooth talker. 要让她改变主意,我们需要一个能言善道的人.
上一期: 俚语:lily-livered
下一期: 虚伪 Hypocrisy