

2016-09-16    01'19''

主播: 诗人读诗

128 4

替花命名的小孩/罗伯特•哈斯Robert Hass (陈黎 张芬龄译) 当老巫婆们在树林中徘徊, When old crones wandered in the woods, 我是山上的英雄 I was the hero on the hill 在明亮的阳光下。 in clear sunlight. 死神的猎犬畏惧我。 Death’s hounds feared me. 野茴香的气味, Smell of wild fennel, 香甜果子的高高阁楼,高耸于 high loft of sweet fruit high in the branches 开花的梅树枝枒间。 of the flowering plum. 然后我被下抛 Then I am cast down 到童年的恐惧中, into the terror of childhood, 到那面镜子与油污满布的刀丛里, into the mirror and the greasy knives, 黑暗中的 the dark 无花果树群底下的 woodpile under the fig trees 黑暗材堆。 in the dark. 如今想起来那只不过是 It is only 言辞间的恶毒,微不足道的 the malice of voices, the old horror 古老的惊惧,爸妈 that is nothing, parents 吵架,有人 quarreling, somebody 喝醉。 drunk. 我不知道我们是怎么活过来的。 I don’t know how we survive it. 在成年岁月里的 On this sunny morning 这个晴朗早晨,我定睛 in my life as an adult, I am looking 注视乔琪亚.欧姬芙画作里 at one clear pure peach 一颗纯净的桃子。 in a painting by Georgia O’Keefe. 它如是圆熟地静置于 It is all the fullness that there is 光中。红眼雀在我敞开的门外 in light. A towhee scratches in the leaves 树叶间刮擦作响。 outside my open door. 他一向如此。 He always does. 片刻之前我还觉得难受, A moment ago I felt so sick 发冷, and so cold 几乎动弹不得。 I could hardly move.