《何謂同聲傳譯》Judy Padma

《何謂同聲傳譯》Judy Padma

2018-10-17    09'17''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

396 2

何谓同声传译 Simultaneous Interpretation? Judy Padma 1. 同声传译是一种高度集中性和灵活性的工作。 Interpreting simultaneously requires a great deal of mental concentration and agility. 2. 同声传译simultaneous interpretation 它是传译者平时积累和实践的瞬间表现,因此需要极强的记忆力和应变能力,而单词量也是考验一个同声传译者的真实水平之一。 The job requires the interpreter who usually practices and accumulates should have the strongest memory and power of adaptability to changes. The simultaneous interpreter who has a large quantity of vocabulary is one of the true level of tests. 3. 同声传译更是一种将平时积累的知识点在现场爆发的一种工作。 It's also a job which is a knowledge power accumulated by interpreter. 4. 同声传译设备永远不能替代人类这种纯脑力的工作。 The facilities for simultaneous interpretation will never take the place of this kind of detailed and mental job. 5. 同声传译的价格当然要比一般课时费昂贵得多。 The price of interpretation is more expensive than any subjects of lessons. Background Music 《Josephee》 Lyricist by Haohan