昊翰詞曲唱《There's A Man》@《My only way to success通向成功之路》

昊翰詞曲唱《There's A Man》@《My only way to success通向成功之路》

2018-10-21    06'41''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

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《Every Step of My Way to Success》 《通向成功的每一步》 Lyricist Judy Padma 21st. October, 2018 I know it's the only way to success 我知這是唯一通向成功之路 Though the road's full of thorns-storming 儘管路上充滿荊棘暴風雨 Without difficulties the road is not road 沒有困難的路不叫道路 Without thundering how rains wet' ground 沒有雷電雨水不潤大地 Without pains how we receive gains of grain 沒有痛苦如何收穫穀物 Without bitterness how to know sweets 沒有苦難怎知甜甜蜜蜜 Without rains, how to know the sun's shining 沒有雨水怎知太陽光芒 I know & think of you every step of the way 我知想念你途中每一步 I'm loving you, my darling sweetie 我是多麼愛你,我親愛的寶貝 I'll be the only one who's always with you 我會與你一直陪伴的唯一 until the last moment of your this life 直到你生命走完最後時刻 All my dream of you is sweet candles 我所有的夢是甜蜜的蠟燭 So sweet and warm 多麼甜蜜和溫暖 We are lighting all of rooms and 我們點亮了所有的房間 No more feeling cold in dark nights 在黑夜裡不再感到寒冷 Sweet dreams are always full of joys 甜蜜的夢總是充滿喜悅 Darling, I'm feeling happiness with you 親愛的,和你一起感到快樂 I know this is the only way to success 我知道這是通向成功的唯一 Without you, my world is full of iced water 沒有你,我的世界充滿冰水 Without you, I'll be the corpse walking on 沒有你,我如行尸走肉前行 Without you, flowers cannot bloom 沒有你,花兒不會鮮艷奪目 Without you, birds cannot sing soundly 沒有你,鳥兒不會應聲歌唱 Without you, the sun is full of clouds 沒有你,太陽總是烏雲滿天 Without you, colorful clouds disappeared 沒有你,彩霞消失無影無蹤 Cause you are the only way to success 因為你是通向成功的唯一路 Background Music背景音樂🎵: 《有一个人There is a man》 Lyrics by Haohan English by Judy Padma 有一个人 时刻 想你 有一个人 天天 念你 有一个人 即使到了天边 都会念你 There is a man who misses you every moment There is a man who minds you every day There is a man who even reaches the horizon Always missing you 有一个人 天天 想你 有一个人 天天 念你 有一个人 即使离你遥远 也会思念你 There is a man thinks of you every day There is a man who minds you every day There is a man who is far away from you Still missing you 你知道想念你的人吗 你会感觉到他的心吗 你知道想念你的人吗 你知道他思念的痛吗? Do you know anyone who misses you Will you feel what's his heart of you Do you know anyone who misses you Do you know the pain he misses? 谁会感觉,风的誓言 谁会感觉 雨在哭泣 Who will feel vows of wind Who will feel rain's crying 嗡 阿 咕噜 你是我的思念 嗡 阿 咕噜 你是我的牵挂 Hum-ah Guru You are my missing Hum-ah-Guru You are my caring