Linkin Park: Leave out all the rest(B面)-DJ温温

Linkin Park: Leave out all the rest(B面)-DJ温温

2017-09-12    27'56''

主播: 不听音乐会死星球

1477 106

节目名称(音乐):Linkin Park: Leave out all the rest(B面)-DJ温温 20170908亚洲音乐台晚六点【亚洲乐星人】直播下半部分 主播:温温 新浪微博 @MaamJosasa 后期:温温 文案:温温 温温公微/ @maggiepress 短介绍:For Linking Park, they had a lot of names: Grey Daze, Xero, Hybrid Theory, etc. They made one name: never used dirty words, always expressed positive attitudes, stay low in daily life, struggle and sacrifice for public welfare. Although Chester Bennington left us on 20th of July, his spirit would last forever. Leave out all the rest, I am heading to somewhere I belong. Wish you all good luck, cause I just said good goodbye. 林肯公园,新世代的音乐顽童。 无门无派,嬉笑怒骂,博采众长。 他们是我们这个时代独一无二的音乐霸王。 联系我们: 静听有声新浪官方微博@静听有声工作室FM 静听有声公众微信号:静听有声工作室(woaijingtingyousheng) 歌单: A面 A place for my head Battle symphony Numb In my remains New divide Invisible In the end B面 Papercut Runaway Somewhere I belong Rebellion Heavy All for nothing Good goodbye Leave out all the rest