Alicia Keys: Girl on fire(A面) - DJ温温

Alicia Keys: Girl on fire(A面) - DJ温温

2017-10-27    32'04''

主播: 不听音乐会死星球

1553 93

节目名称(音乐):Alicia Keys: Girl on fire(A面) - DJ温温 20171027亚洲音乐台晚六点【亚洲乐星人】直播上半部分 主播/策划:温温微博/ @MaamJosasa 温温公微/ @maggiepress 短介绍: After 2003, Alicia Keys became a frequent champion, not merely on the Billboard in U.S., but the Albums Chart in UK as well. Apart from music, she also focus on charity since 2010s. Her special concert for AIDS in 2009, won her great reputation in improving the world, and saving more people. Thank you for your beauty, Alicia. Wish you all the best! “天才”,是人们对她的爱称。 那种谢绝任何粉饰和包装的底气,自带压倒一切的征服力。 纯正的学院派血统,过硬的专业技艺,灵光熠熠的才气, 这些共同组成了艾丽西亚凯斯的大师体质。 她是认真打磨作品的工匠, 如痴如醉地追求完美的精致。 在热闹浮夸的欧美乐坛,有如一道清风, 用最传统的方式展示音乐最本真的美丽。​ 联系我们: 静听有声新浪官方微博@静听有声工作室FM 静听有声公众微信号:静听有声工作室(woaijingtingyousheng) 歌单: A面 You don't know my name We are here Holy war It's on again A woman's worth Girl on fire Fallin B面 New day Blended family Empire state of mind No one Powerful If I ain't got you Doesn't mean anything