2018-10-12    01'00''

主播: Stephanie Ren

157 1

1. I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn't take any notice. 我让他慢点开,但是他根本不在意。 2. After I learned the whole “EMF2019 DOUBLE Lesson A&B” thing, I couldn’t agree more. 在我了解了整个“英语麦克风 2019 AB 双课”后,我非常赞同。 3. From now on / As from now, I won’t trust you anymore. 从现在开始,我不再相信你。 Over the past three hundred sixty five days I learned independently with english microphone and english Gym until finally I was noticed by michael, who then invited me to the loyal learners group. But at that point, I was still just another penniless loser until one night I hit the jackpot. It was a miracle. My life was in a transformation. After college graduation, he was going to a multinational company in beijing. And she returned to her hometown 。from the day forward, they became two loverbirds of parted world.
上一期: 20181010140639
下一期: 蒙娜丽莎a