

2018-11-20    00'50''

主播: Stephanie Ren

146 0

11-20麦克风打卡金句 从孩提时代渐渐长大,我绝对是非常真诚的。我就是喜欢帮助别人,信任、支持、理解他人,我纯粹相信这就是应该做的,从来没有怀疑过其他任何事情。 As a child growing up, I was definitely very sincere. I just loved helping people and trusting and supporting and understanding others, just something that I believed so purely and I didn’t doubt about anything else.   长大到了一个阶段,情况开始变化。我虽然不记得具体是什么时候,但是人们关于真诚的态度绝对来了个180度大转弯。 At some point, things started to change and I don’t even remember what the specific point is. But there is definitely a flip of the switch on people’s mindset of sincerity.   大人们开始告诉你,真诚不是真正的智慧,做一个诚实的人是不会有回报的,做一个诚信的人是会吃亏的,这些都只是学校里面老师说说的理论而已。 They start telling you that sincerity is not real wisdom, being honest is not rewarding, being trusted is not beneficial and these should all stay as school discipline.
上一期: 做我所爱
下一期: 20181124172902