

2015-07-21    02'56''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

3816 99

孤独 随着岁月的逝去,我的内心越来越富足 和青年时候不同,我再也不用像从前那样 同每个新认识的朋友,都一见如故 或者一定要用语言把思想塑成具体形状 他们来也好,去也好,在我看来是一回事 只要我能保有自我和坚强的意愿 只要我有力量在夏日夜晚爬上山去 看星星成群涌过来,在山的那一边 让他们去相信我爱他们,爱得比实在还要多 让他们去相信 我非常在乎,虽然我一个人走 假如能让他们得意,对我又有什么关系 只要我本身完整,像一朵花或一块石头 The Solitary My heart has grown rich with the passing of years, I have less need now than when I was young To share myself with every comer Or shape my thoughts into words with my tongue. It is one to me that they come or go If I have myself and the drive of my will, And strength to climb on a summer night And watch the stars swarm over the hill. Let them think I love them more than I do, Let them think I care, though I go alone; If it lifts their pride, what is it to me Who am self-complete as a flower or a stone. 作者 /[美]蒂丝黛尔 翻译 /林以亮 朗读 / 罗小姐