我此时躺在(到处环绕着)-e.e. 肯明斯-神秘人

我此时躺在(到处环绕着)-e.e. 肯明斯-神秘人

2013-08-16    01'39''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

1159 42

我此时躺在(到处环绕着) 我(绝顶阴沉幽深的雨水 声音;和永远的和无出处的)和 黑暗极界这么温柔地欢迎着-- 我此时置身(于最险峻的 比乐章有甚)感觉阳光只是 (生命和日辰亦如此)暂借:而 夜才是终有(夜和死亡和雨水 是终有;还有这么美妙的飘雪) 我此时躺下去梦(没有什么 我或任何什么人或你 能开始去开始想象) 有些事情没有人能留住 我此时躺下身去梦春天 作者 / e.e. 肯明斯(e.e. cummings) 翻译 / Dotann [Now i lay(with everywhere around)] Now i lay(with everywhere around) me(the great dim deep sound of rain;and of always and of nowhere)and what a gently welcoming darkestness-- now i lay me down(in a most steep more than music)feeling that sunlight is (life and day are)only loaned:whereas night is given(night and death and the rain are given;and given is how beautifully snow) now i lay me down to dream of(nothing i or any somebody or you can begin to begin to imagine) something which nobody may keep. now i lay me down to dream of Spring