

2016-12-28    01'18''

主播: Cary Chan

32 0

更多英文翻译文稿和更多美式发音学习资料,请关注公众微信:kuguameiyu (苦瓜美语的拼音) 提灯人 ---朵渔 他举着灯,匆匆走在无面孔的人群里 太阳像一束追光,追着他不测的命运 当所有人都看到光明时他却只能看到黑暗 当所有人都替他捏把汗时他却在日落之前 被一把拽进黑暗里…… The Man With A Lamp The man with a lamp, shuttling in the mist of faceless, Eternal rhythm of the Sun, haunting his heart in faintness; As all the faceless asking a face from Apollo, the man with a lamp walking alone with his shadow; As all the faceless are immune to the coming darkness, the man with a lamp, his face has been ripped off.