

2017-06-29    01'38''

主播: Cary Chan

33 0

第二十八章 知其雄,守其雌,为天下溪。 为天下溪,常德不离,复归于婴儿。 知其白,守其黑,为天下式。 为天下式,常德不忒,复归于无极。 知其荣,守其辱,为天下谷。 为天下谷,常德乃足,复归于朴。 朴散则为器, 圣人用之,则为官长,故大制不割。 Chapter 28 Know the male, yet keep to the female: receive the world in your arms. If you receive the world, the Tao will never leave you and you will be like a little child. Know the white, yet keep to the black: be a pattern for the world. If you are a pattern for the world, the Tao will be strong inside you and there will be nothing you can't do. Know the personal, yet keep to the impersonal: accept the world as it is. If you accept the world, the Tao will be luminous inside you and you will return to your primal self. The world is formed from the void, like utensils from a block of wood. The Master knows the utensils, yet keeps to the block: thus she can use all things.