

2016-02-28    06'11''

主播: 赵启明丰军

228 17

摘要:用光的折射说明光量子受到的梯度力,梯度力禁锢了大量的光子,微粒内部的光量子决定了惯性质量;物质内部光量子的频率决定了阴阳属性;物质不断吸收和辐射光量子信息,光量子信息通道形成了经络系统,从量子信息的角度说明了中医。 关键词:光子能谱密度;梯度力; 阴阳五行 Light quantum and YinYang-wuxing Zhao fengjun Xinjiang normal university, institute of physics and electronic engineering 830054 Abstract: Light refraction of light quantum by gradient force, gradient force up a large number of photons, particles inside the light quantum determines the quality of inertia; Material internal photon frequency determines the properties of Yin and Yang; Material constantly absorbing and radiating light quantum information,Light quantum information channel formed the meridian system, illustrates the traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of quantum information. Key words: photon spectrum density; gradient force; the five elements of yin and yang