English corner-original aspiration

English corner-original aspiration

2023-11-16    10'29''

主播: CTBU校园之声

5933 35

Road at the foot, the heart of the distance. We live in this land full of hope, those so-called regret, will only become our sword to cut through the difficulties, we are fearless, we move forward, pure heart in the baptism of the wind and rain more sincere. 路在脚下,心系远方。我们生活在这片充满希望的土地,那些所谓的遗憾,只会成为我们划破困难的利剑,我们无畏,我们前进,赤子之心在风雨的洗礼下更显真诚。 If you have anything wanna share with us or talk with us, you shall leave your message without hesitation. Have a nice dream! 如果你有任何想要分享之事或想要与我们深入交流,你都可以在评论区毫不犹豫留下你宝贵的建议,哪怕只是只言片语。祝好! Hostess:付雨婷 Editor:付雨婷 Executive producer:付天昊